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Foodbytes supports your core business strategy with market intelligence, analysis and access to the global F&A startup ecosystem.
“One of the best business development engagements we’ve been involved in over the past 10 years.”
CSC Leasing, Customized Scouting Client
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Accompanying our in-depth Reports, our bi-monthly virtual roundtables featured perspectives from RaboResearch analysts, Premium members, and startup innovators.
Join the hub today for the opportunity to be invited to our next dynamic discussion.
Succes stories of for corporates & investors.
view success storiesFree Plan
Customized Interface: Saved searches and watchlists let you automate startup searches that match your interests, making the discovery process more efficient.
Premium filters: Evaluate startups based on thematic, commercial, financial and sustainability criteria.
Peer-to-Peer Engagement: Gain insights from Rabobank experts and peers through quarterly reports.
Core Plan
Unlock Startup Insights: Access startup pitch decks and view their current commercial / investment needs.
Premium Filter: Connects you with fundraising startups, strategic partnerships, and curated pitch files for high-impact investments.
Peer-to-Peer Connection: Access our global corporate and investor network and exclusive roundtables.
Customized Plan
Curated Startup Pipeline & Intros: Dedicated scouting team to identify relevant startups and make intros to those best suited for collaboration.
Customized Insights: Data-driven trends sourced directly from our hub to inform your specific business strategy.
Brand Exposure: Dedicated communications to our global network of 20k+.